
Here are the Max for Live objects for midi manipulation included in the ‘Tesser’ environment.



The TesserAkt library is a collection of MaxForLive devices designed for real-time midi manipulation. These devices were developed in the context of the Fraktale Lab, within the artistic research project Atlas of Smooth Spaces (FWF 640) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Dieses Werk wurde mit freundlicher Unterstützung des österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport realisiert.


Credits and access

This environement is developed and mantained by Adrian Artacho. The online repository can be found here:

Name Description
Tesser_cmd Launches a function based on midi input
tesser_automidi Similar to 'autotune', reshapes a midi input
tesser_block Blocks CC/Midinotes dynamically
tesser_buffer This device allows to save and recall bits of audio
tesser_cc2note Converts a midi inout onto midinotes
tesser_cc2params Maps CC input onto ranges and parameters
tesser_cc2signal Create a signal-structured stream of midi
tesser_chains Renames midinotes based on lists
tesser_clip2cc Translates midinotes to CC values
tesser_clips Launches clips via midinotes or CC
tesser_cue Aural warnings to the performer
tesser_delay Takes a midi input and delays it by an amount of time
tesser_dynamic Manipulate note velocity in different ways
tesser_fade Fades in/out (increases/reduces midi velocities)
tesser_fractal Fractal Video manipulation
tesser_function Manipulates midi input based on a function
tesser_funnel Maps differently sized lists of midi IN/OUT values
tesser_gate Open/Close the midi stream dynamically
tesser_gesture Extract a gesture from a stream of midi values
tesser_inscore Interfaces with INScore (midi input)
tesser_livescore Score display of midi
tesser_mirror Mirrors midi values dynamically based on a 'center'
tesser_mutate Introduces mutation in a given midi sequence
tesser_note2cc Converts midinotes onto CC
tesser_pedal Specific midi keyboard pedal interface
tesser_pgch Generate program change messages based on midi
tesser_ramp Generates ramp of values for a given time
tesser_ranges Allows/Blocks specific midi ranges dynamically
tesser_recall Saves and recalls midi sequences dynamically
tesser_route Routes midi input dynamically
tesser_scale Scales midi input dynamically
tesser_signal2midi Takes in a signal (audio) and converts it to midi
tesser_threshold Allows/Blocks midi input based on threshold values
tesser_videoloop Live capture looping
tesser_visuals Produce visuals (Max/jitter) based on midi


This Patch is part of the TESSER environment.



This device allows to block selectively different kinds of midi data.



The settings can be stored with the device/set. They can also be automated.


This device is a derivative patch largely taken from AbletonDrummer's object.


  • document device
  • Add feature to print in maxwindow specific kinds of cc input
  • Extended feature: block specific notes which are set using the gesture CC. This is practical, for example, if you are playing the keyboard and whant to block the area where the hands are from playing new notes, etc.


This Patch is part of the TESSER environment.



This device is analogous to an autotune effect, only with midi. It takes midinotes and allows to substitute the entered midinote number and/or velocity with alternative CC values entered via CC86 and CC87.


View of the device. Click here) to edit.


Here is a full description of the functions associated to CC messages within the TESSER environment.

override pitch

The entered pitch will be substituted by the last entered CC86 value.

override velocity

The entered velocity will be substituted by the ;ast entered CC87 value.

auto AllNotesOff

When this toggle is on, a note off (vel = 0) will cause a 0 123 message to be sent to all 16 midi channels.

Use with clip3seq

The menu option trigger CC input with midinote is designed to trigger the notes entered via CC (usually CC86 for midi pitch), using the velocity of the midinote entered, for example, with a keyboard.


  • document
  • how does a gesture gets stored, and then recalled one by one in a loop? The device should accept (and store) a gesture string, possibly via CC90